Class Descriptions
Ages 1.5-3.5
Intro to dance through music, movement, props & games.
This class features fun and engaging weekly themes with Caregiver,
Ages 2.5-4
Intro to dance through music, movement, props & games.
This class features fun and engaging weekly themes WITH CAREGIVER. Transition class designed to help dancers gain confidence and prepare for drop off. More dance terminology will be introduced with confidence and independence within the class encouraged. A cross between the engaging themes of our parent and tot classes & the structure and terminology of our intro to ballet class. A great transition class for dancers wishing to dance with the comfort of their caregiver’s presence.
Ages 2.5-4.5
Creative movement with an intorduction to Ballet & Jazz. Dancers in their 1st or second year of drop off. Dancing to Disney and other favourite songs.
Ages 3+
Ballet and Jazz techniques are taught. Exploring both soft movement and quicker upbeat movement. Dancing to your favourite songs including Disney & today’s music.
Ages 5+
Ballet and Jazz techniques are taught. Using emotions to tell a story and connect with lyrics. Exploring both soft movement and quicker upbeat movement. Dancers will learn a variety of jumps, turns and floor work. Dancing to your favourite songs & today’s music.
Ages 3.5+
Hip Hop. Learning dance trends, strength moves and more. A very active class. Dancing to today & yesterdays popular music.
Ages 18+
Adult class. Working up a sweat dancing & to non-stop music while having fun.
Ages 4+
A fun filled class making music and rhythms with your feet! Tap shoes required. Learn classic & Hoofing tap steps and terminology. Dancing to a wide range of up beat music (requests welcome!).
** All classes, except for "Caregiver and Child" & "Dance with me" are 'drop off'. Parents are not permitted in the regular classes. Caregivers for the drop off classes ARE invited in for viewing days and show days.